Monday 1 May 2006

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Awake: 5:19am Temp 47 Sleep time 6+51 partly sunny overnight
@ Nicktown

Drive to the community center for 50 min of exercise, then attend 8:00am
Mass before joining the funereal coffee club members for a short 25 min.

Melissa & our grandsons visit us from 2:30 until 4:30. Matthew & I play
with the small cars & trucks outside throughout most of their visit.
However, @ one point, Matthew asked his Mama to play with him & help make
different roads. Sure enough, Melissa immediately had a better idea which
pleased Matthew very much. Ah ha, competition brings creativity.

Late afternoon I call Starla @ the Anchorage Daily News & leave another
message to return my call.

6:30 dinner: Italian sausage, lasagna, & toast.

Early evening satellite movie: “Rookie of the Year.” This was a good
film…..for kids! 1993.

@ 7:45 my first cousin Joan D. visits & brings us candles, a nice “Welcome
to our parish” card signed by the Altar & Rosary Society's "Welcoming
Committee" & a publication listing the various parish societies &
committees. Joan visits with us for over an hr with lots of up-to-date
talk & a little reminiscing about the good ole days. She lived only a
stones throw from our farm house.

Later evening: K & I watch the last 1/3 of the movie: “Casablanca.” We’ve
seen it before but it’s oh so good.

High temp=69 Lights out: 10:14pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 8, 2006 1:08 PM.

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