Tuesday 18 April 2006

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Awake: 6:25am Temp 38 Sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

We drive to church for 8:00am communion service with Sister Lee. Then skip
our important coffee club meeting, eat a quick breakfast & pick up my
cousins, Florentz & his wife, Anna. As we approach the Foote residence
driveway, we see numerous packages & cartons freshly delivered. The
infamous, much talked about & highly acclaimed Space Pak equipment had
just arrived. Kevin & one of his co-workers are busy carrying some of
these packages into their basement so Florentz & I help out a little by
moving some of the other cartons into the back entry area to be moved to
the basement later.

Kathy & Anna stay with Melissa & the boys while Florentz & I visit Pat L.
& Terry N. @ the electric company in Indiana. We spend over 40 min in
discussion with Terry on Geo-thermo heating & cooling. My cousin is
seriously interested in converting his house over to this system of
heating & cooling. I am familiar with this idea as another fellow & I
converted our all electric home in Memphis, TN in 1984 to the Geo-thermo
method. I liked it a lot then & I still like it today. Our meeting was
very informative & REA, his electric company, has completely installed a
number of Geo-thermo units in the surrounding area & will assist Florentz
in whatever plan he chooses or he can do it all himself.

En route back to the Footes, I stop in downtown Indiana still trying to
locate more brands of dark beer for tasting. Of the 2 bars I visited,
neither had the label I am after.

@ the Foote house, we pick up Kathy & Anna & proceed back to Florentz’s
house with a stop in the small town of Strongstown to tour a new home
being built which will soon have a Geo-thermo system installed. The system
was not yet hooked up so we learned nothing new. Drop Florentz & Anna @
their place & proceed back to our motorhome by 2:30pm.

During our earlier visit with Melissa, she expressed an interest in
visiting us later this afternoon with the boys. They arrive @ 3:15 & stay
until 4:45. We spend a little time in our coach, then walk down the quad
runner trail & play outside. It was a short but nice visit and we had
beautiful weather.

5:50pm dinner: Leftover tuna & whole wheat noodles, asparagus, mixed salad
& toast.

Satellite movie: “The Breakfast Club.” 1985. Not at all like one would
expect that’s for sure. It’s a group of assorted high school misfits that
spend Saturday @ school for punishment.

My brother Don calls from Front Royal, Virginia….165 miles from Ebensburg,
their home. He & his wife left on Sunday & are riding a tandem bike to
Hilton Head, South Carolina to visit their daughter. He indicated that
their progress is moderate so far due to his out-of-shape condition during
the winter months & he’s building up. His wife Josie has been working out
so she is in good shape. He also wished us a belated “Happy Anniversary.”

2nd satellite movie: Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.” 1948. Cary
Grant, Myrna Loy & Melvyn Douglas. Turns out this home has been so popular
around the country it has been copied numerous times in many cities.

High temp=64 Lights out: 10:22pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 26, 2006 10:01 AM.

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