Wednesday 19 April 2006

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Awake :4:40am Temp 46 Sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

We walk to the community center for 1.2 hrs of exercise & then join the
loquacious coffee club members for an hr.

After breakfast, I visit Carol @ her business to make another copy of our
motorhome registration & then fill out the necessary paperwork to request
the East coast & West coast network stations plus PBS adding to our list
of viewing channels on DirecTV.

Mid afternoon, my cousin Gloria visits Kathy to answer questions on her
latest crocheting project, plus Gloria’s husband Bill is “taking the house
apart” as she describes it, looking for the ant nest so he can fumigate….
& it’s a good time for her to be someplace else.

About 2:15pm K & I set up our haircutting chair & equipment in the
circular drive area. It takes me over an hr to give K a haircut that she
thinks may be “OK!” She wanted a different style & shorter. It takes her
15 min for my haircut that I rarely ask for modifications.

6:05 dinner: Pork chops with brown rice, broccoli, salad & toast.

Evening movie from satellite: “Rudy.” Based on the life of Daniel E.
(Rudy) Ruettiger. A very inspirational movie.

High temp=72 Lights out: 11:13pm

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