Monday 17 April 2006

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Awake: 5:38am Temp 42 Sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

“Happy Anniversary to us!” K & I walk to 8:00am Mass this morning, then
join the sometimes facetious coffee club members for close to an hr.

It’s another beautiful spring day so after breakfast I spend time removing
the adhesive plastic covering on our closet skylight. During our Seattle &
Alaska trip, heavy rains & strong winds apparently loosened up some of my
tough adhesive covering & we noticed some small leakage. I’ll let the top
area dry up for awhile, then try & devise a better solution. Next I extend
# 3 slide out….which makes our bedroom much bigger.

5:30pm dinner @ Rolands Restaurant in Spangler (opened one month). We have
individual meals: Kathy has meat loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy & peas while
I have filled pepper with mashed potatoes, spaghetti gravy & peas. It was
our anniversary dinner which we both enjoyed, trading plates midway to
taste test the other’s meal.

During the evening we take a few calls & receive e-mail from our children
for anniversary wishes. Thank you guys….proud parents we are, of you!

Watch movie from satellite: “Circle of Friends” with Minnie Driver & Chris
O’Donnell….1995. A quite interesting story of coming to grips with
earthly love & Catholic fidelity.

High temp=62 Lights out: 11:05pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 26, 2006 9:57 AM.

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