Thursday 9 March 2006

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Awake: 5:29am Temp 43 Early rain showers, then clouds Overnight @

Attend 8:00 am Mass, then spend 35 min with the dynamic coffee club members.

After breakfast, Kathy continues searching for low air fares & today, pins
a few down. My role, during these sometimes delicate moments, are to
double check her screen inputs, remain patient & remember to show a lot of
gratitude for her many hrs of being patient herself.

@ 12:15 we drive to Spangler to visit my ole buddy Charlie’s mother,
Betty. First we try the Senior Center…not there….then visit her home & her
son John tells us she is upstairs getting ready for a trip to the dentist.
Our timing is not good so we will try another day. Betty is going on 93
yrs of age. Next we drive to Ebensburg, stop to shop @ the West End
Market, then the Goodwill thrift store, Wise RV store & Wal-Mart. Back to
our bus @ 3:05.

Kathy continues searching the Internet…..this time for a suitable hotel.

Late afternoon: Watch a biography: “Howard Hughes-The Real Aviator.” I am
fascinated with the Hughes story.

8:00 dinner: Leftover Italian sausage with spaghetti sauce, whole wheat
noodles, salad & toast.

Late evening movie from satellite: “Silver Streak” with Gene Wilder, Jill
Clayburgh & Richard Pryor. Fast paced action story that kept us both on
the edge of our easy chairs.

High temp: 58 Lights out: 10:45pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 18, 2006 9:14 AM.

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