Friday 10 March 2006

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Awake: 5:10am Temp 56 Very windy with clouds Overnight @

50 min of exercise for us before attending the 8:00am Mass….then join the
genuine coffee club members for 30 min. Because of the strong winds with
gusts, the power was knocked off about 6 to 8 times for short periods.
Longest off time: 35 min. During the off times, I took notes on how many
amps our entertainment system uses for each component in our coach.

Our mail arrived from Alaska today….no magazines & nothing we didn’t expect.

Mid afternoon: watch an hr of: “Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life.” It
was something else. If you’re not familiar with the Monty P. movies, they
are decidedly different!

@ 4:15 we drive the Ridge Road to the Barr Township tax collector’s home
(5 min) & pay our property tax to Mary Jean, commonly known as “Bets.”
During some of my high school summers, her father & I used to work
together building homes for my cousin Jerry. Then we continue on to
Spangler & have the Fish Buffet @ the Spangler Fire hall building. We look
for Betty & John but no sight of them. There is an especially large crowd
gathered here tonight & it was challenging to get a seat next to some of
our coffee club members. Pat & Frank do join us however. Back to our bus @

@ 7:00 we attend: “Stations of the Cross” @ the Nicktown church led by
Father Job. The function was well attended.

Late evening: watch movie from satellite: “Boyz N the Hood.” A somewhat
realistic but exaggerated story of Inner city gang violence & drug usage
with one family’s challenge of raising their child to amount to
something……thought provoking!

High temp: 58 Lights out: 10:10pm

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