Saturday 11 March 2006

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Awake: 4:35am Temp 43 Sunny, then overcast Overnight @ Nicktown

Attend 8:00am Mass……skip the coffee club meeting with permission, have
breakfast & dash out to the Foote home arriving a little after 10:00am. We
find them in the backyard: Kevin pruning their apple tree; Melissa
carrying Andrew in her sling & clearing out what might be this summer’s
garden area & Matthew helping dad using his small wheelbarrow.

I spend about 3.0 hrs finishing & testing the upper bathroom wiring
project…..then assist Kevin in pulling wires from the basement to the
attic in prep for the Space Pak air conditioning system. Kathy pulls
weeds, clearing more of the section Melissa had been working on then she
takes time out to buy new wiper blades for our Suzuki. After Matthew’s
nap, he and Melissa make us all a smoothie and popcorn for an afternoon
snack. We are back to our bus @ 3:45.

I waste no time in installing those wiper blades as the rain threatens,
change clothes & then we drive to Ebensburg & have dinner with my brother
Don & his wife, Josie. They were very gracious hosts: having dark beer for
me before dinner & wine with dinner along with some good grilled chicken,
potatoes, sugar snap peas, Waldorf salad & blackberry pie ala mode. It was
really nice spending an evening with them again.

High temp: 59 Lights out: 11:03pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 18, 2006 9:22 AM.

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