Wednesday 8 March 2006

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Awake: 6:03am Temp 27 Overcast Overnight @ Nicktown

Drive to the community center for 1.4 hrs of exercise. Kathy gives Frank &
Pat an introduction to the exercise machines; it’s their first time. Then
we all join the animated coffee club members for 30 min before attending
the 9:30 children’s Mass.

@ 2:30 Melissa & her boys visit for 2.5 hrs. While Kathy assists Melissa
in doing 2 loads of their laundry, I get some holding time in with Andrew
& playing cars & trucks with Matthew. Then Matthew & I spend some time
exploring the outdoors in our immediate area. Big boy Matthew used our
bathroom toilet twice. We are so proud of him! They leave around 5:00.

6:00 dinner: Stuffed peppers, spinach salad & toast.

Watch a movie from satellite: “Mrs. Harris.” Based on a true story…..she
killed Doctor Tarnower who wrote the “Scarsdale Diet” book that sold
millions. They were lovers!

High temp: 41 Lights out: 10:18pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 18, 2006 9:11 AM.

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