Saturday 25 March 2006

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Awake: 4:40am Temp 28 Partly sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

K & I attend 8:00am Mass….then join the slithery coffee club members for
45 min.

After breakfast, I change the primary water filter in our pump house & top
off our pure water tank….then spend a little time on the computer.

@ 6:10pm we drive to Ebensburg & rendezvous with my brother Don, his wife
Josie & my sister Corinne; then have dinner @ the restaurant “Off the
Rack.” Kathy & I shared a tuna steak dinner which was very good. In fact,
this restaurant has the reputation for delicious, good sized meals.
Afterwards, we drive over to Don & Josie’s home for cake/pie ala mode
dessert. While we were there, we were witnesses to a small but incredible
miracle & we were all able to see this so it wasn’t anyone’s personal
imagination: My brother’s office in their home after some 25 yrs…is now
cleaned up, organized & spotless. It took our breath away!

En route back to our bus, we make a quick stop @ Wal-Mart for milk & a new
watch battery.

Later evening: we watch ¾ of the movie from satellite: “This Happy Breed.”
1944. It wasn’t entertaining enough for us to watch it all.

High temp: 43 Lights out: 11:28pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 29, 2006 10:58 AM.

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