Sunday 26 March 2006

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Awake 5:33am Temp 28 Overcast Overnight @ Nicktown

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass. For breakfast Kathy makes a ham & cheese omelet
with toast.
Aaron calls mid morning: we talk about his fiancé & their wedding plans.
Kathy does 4 loads of laundry.
Nick calls from Seattle: we talk for 1.5 hrs & cover many topics. They are
doing well.

Our movies from satellite for today: “Bastard of Carolina.” A tough story
to watch….not recommended for children.

½ of “Sabrina.” 1945. This is the earlier version with Audrey Hepburn,
Humphrey Bogart & William Holden & gets a slightly higher rating then the
1995 production.

5:10 dinner: Leftover chicken & whole wheat Rotini, broccoli & cauliflower
in Boursin cheese sauce, mixed salad & toast.

“Brief Encounter.” 1945 with Celia Johnson & Trevor Howard. A great
love/romance, moving & memorable film.

Break time: we call Bob & Mary Lou in Minneapolis & arrange a rendezvous
for later this week.

“Charly.” 1968; Cliff Robertson won the best-actor Oscar for his role in
this wonderful flick. ‘Twas a great goof-off day for us retirees!

High temp: 41 Lights out:10:59pm

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