Friday 24 March 2006

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Awake: 5:12am Temp 28 Partly Sunny & snow showers Overnight @ Nicktown.

Drive to our community center by 6:45 & get 1.1 hrs of exercise……we are
joined by Jill, Frank, Pat, Donna & Al, Mary Ann & her friend Darla. It’s
nice to have some company in the workout room + now; we have Dish Network
& a bigger TV to help with the input of information. After this, most of
us attend the 8:00 am Mass, then we join the mousy coffee club members for
over an hr. This meeting was one of our more vocal & active gatherings.

@ 12:30pm K & I walk back to church & attend the 12:45 Stations of the
Cross by the older school children… was very well done.

Mid afternoon, I relax by surfing DirecTV & select different time slots
for different movies, then look these movies up in our video/DVD guide to
find out: “What’s it all about; what rating do the movie critics give it?
(Turkey, fair, good or excellent) & who are the actors-actresses?” Kathy &
I share this relaxation time. Usually we do alright in the selection
process but….there are times when we are puzzled as to “how & why” some
movies are rated as they are?

5:15 dinner: Crab casserole, brown rice, spinach salad, fruit salad & toast.

Evening time: Watch movie from satellite: “Music of the Heart” with Meryl
Streep, Aidan Quinn, Cloris Leachman, etc. We liked it!

High temp: 41 Lights out: 10:02pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 29, 2006 10:55 AM.

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