Wednesday 14 December 2005

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Awake: 4:12am Temp 41 Clear Overnight @ Miami, Oklahoma

Our door bell rings @ 8:45am. It’s Kyle & he is ready to drive our bus
into the service bay for some maintenance. Kathy rides with him while I
walk over to the service area & talk with Creslie & Mike who were former
top techs & are now the coordinators for assigning a suitable tech to work
on the each job order. They said how difficult it was yesterday trying to
bring in our coach….every time a coach would be finished & would back out,
they would try & bring ours in but it just wasn’t in the cards. Of the 8
write-ups I had listed, only 2 were of a more critical nature. In 4
working hrs, they had all 8 write-ups fixed to our satisfaction & our
coach was taken out & parked in the Newell campground. I’m convinced that
Creslie & Mike are, without a doubt, making a nice difference in the
service department.

6:00pm dinner: Stuffed pepper & toast.

Nothing worth our time to watch on TV tonight so Kathy continues to write
trivia questions & answers while I continue to open mail….to sort, file or

High temp today: 50 Lights out10:08pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 22, 2005 3:13 AM.

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