Thursday 15 December 2005

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Awake: 4:40am Temp 29 Clear Overnight @ Miami, Oklahoma

We wanted to get an earlier start this morning but…it’s dark & cold
outside so I let Kathy sleep a little longer.

Leave the Newell service campground @ 6:55am. Another good traveling day
with reasonably smooth roads & little wind; however, traffic was heavy
with more trucks on the road than yesterday. Twice we passed 2 traffic
tie-ups in the opposite lane: The 1st being at least 2 miles in length,
the 2nd being maybe 3 or 4 miles. That 2nd tie-up was due to a very long &
wide load moving slowly with police escort. Getting slowed up by either of
those tie-ups would have us arriving late, in the dark @ our next
campground which I usually try & avoid.

En route, Kathy calls & talks with Melissa in Indiana, PA….then I talk
with Larry in San Diego…. & we both talk with my Uncle Johnny in Ohio.

Arrive @ the Heartland Resort campground in Greenfield, IN @ 5:30pm.

Today’s travel: 9+13 time 570.8 miles 65.75 gal used 8.68 mpg
62 mph avg speed.

This campground is relatively new, is big rig friendly & open yr around.
The roads & sites were plowed of snow recently & water is available.
Because of freezing temps, I filled up our pure water tank so we would
have water when arriving in Nicktown. More snow is falling as I am storing
the water hose & outside filters.

7:35 dinner: Eggplant parmesan, spinach salad & toast.

Kathy twists my arm & begs me to let her wash the dishes….I ponder over
this outlandish idea for a few long seconds, then reluctantly give in.

Melissa called around 8:50 pm….she’s checking on our travel progress. We
take turns talking….56 min.

High travel temp: 47 Lights out: 11:05pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 22, 2005 3:18 AM.

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