Tuesday 13 December 2005

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Awake: 5:37am Temp 29 Cloudy Overnight @ Miami, OK

Today we just hang out in our motorhome organizing things that one does
when there are idle moments. The tech guys haven’t contacted us all
morning or during the afternoon so it’s obvious our bus won’t be taken
into a service bay today. And….that’s ok; I know they’re working
diligently to please the customer & we’ll simply be patient.

Katrina calls from Denver…we discuss her thoughts on getting a Masters
Degree I art but not to specialize in studio or fine arts. Teaching art to
5th & 6th graders is her ultimate career goal at this time. We also talk
about our upcoming holiday gathering in Indiana, PA.

6:20pm dinner: Chicken stir-fry with brown rice & toast.

7:00 pm movie: 1933 version of “King Kong.” Fantastic & much better than
we expected it would be. Obviously, way ahead of it’s time. Next we watch
a TCM (Turner Classic Movie) on Marian C. Cooper, the director of King
Kong and many other notable movies. What a guy! What a documentary!

Rain late evening High today: 51 Lights out: 10:29pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 20, 2005 5:49 AM.

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