Wednesday 14 September 2005

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Awake: 6:10am Temp 61 Clear Overnight @ Paxico, Kansas

We are up & ready to travel. Leave the Mill Creek campground in Paxico @
8:10am. It’s another good travel day, with light cornering tailwinds &
smooth roads throughout the remainder of Kansas & into the state of
Colorado. We make a fuel stop @ Salina, Kansas & then continue to our
destination for this day.

Arrive @ the Shady Grove campground in Seibert, Colorado @ 2:00pm MDT; a
very small campground in a small town (population 148).

Today’s travel: 6+24 time 378 miles 45.3 gal used 8.35 mpg
59.1 avg speed.

After parking & setting up, we walk to the only grocery store in town;
quite large (probably the only one for miles) & Kathy buys 2
peaches….then we continue to walk the town for 40 min of exercise.

6:20 dinner: Leftover Italian sausage & fettuccini in tomato & vegetable

Early evening: we watch a video movie from the campground library: “Sense
& Sensibility” with Hugh Grant, Kate Winslet & Emma Thompson; a very good
story + good acting….with delicious popcorn.

Today’s high travel temp=77 Lights out: 10:50pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 17, 2005 10:56 AM.

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