Thursday 15 September 2005

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Awake: 5:43am Temp 50 Clear Elevation 4710 Overnight@ Seibert, CO

Leave the Shady Grove campground in Seibert, CO @ 8:50am. Our GPS
indicates we’ll be arriving @ our destination campground @ 11:30am. I-70
roads continue being smooth & our GPS does a good job of homing us through
the Denver streets & giving us ample notice for lane changes well before
the off ramps appear. Then the computerized lady’s voice announces: “your
destination is directly ahead on your left. Your route guidance in now

The problem was: there was no campground on our left….no campground in
sight! We were driving slowly through this industrial area with no clue of
“what went wrong?” Our Trailer Life campground directory directions were
very confusing to Kathy so that was no immediate help. In the meantime, we
are blocking traffic on the street so we needed to go someplace, turn
around without detaching our tow vehicle & try the reverse
direction…..then finally, peering through the industrial buildings, we
spot a lot of RV’s across a major thoroughfare. “That’s got to be the
place!” I said to Kathy. But to be sure, we find a nearby wide road with
little traffic, detach our Suzuki, turn the bus around & park off to the
side. I leave Kathy in the bus while I zip off to find the entrance to
this nearby fenced in campground.

Ok, the mystery unfolds: apparently our GPS road map is a little outdated.
The major thoroughfare we paralleled has been newly paved & modified & the
entrance to the mystery campground has now changed to a one way in, one
way out. It only took 2 hrs 50 min for today’s trip but it took an
additional 2 hrs 10 min to finally get into the campground & parked.

Today’s travel: 3+07 time includes maneuvering & reversing course. 147
miles 18.1 gallons used 8.02 mpg 50.5 average speed.

Now we are happy: we have a nicely shaded parking spot which is quite
convenient to our daughter, Katrina’s apartment & to visit with our
friends around town.

We call Gary & Rosemary in PA & wish them a Bon Voyage for their cruise
leaving @ 5:00pm on Friday.
Next we call Katrina & make plans to rendezvous later today @ 6:30 @ her

For the last several weeks I have been getting dangerously low on .3mm 3H
lead for my drafting pencil; it is difficult to find. Using a borrowed
phone book from the campground manager, Kathy finds several phone #’s to
resolve this dilemma. My 3rd call tells me what I want to hear & we’re off
in the Suzuki to Littleton, CO (20 min). 5 packs later & I am good for
months to go. Main Street is so neat; we decide to walk around for another
30 min & explore more of this town.

Next we visit Costco, buy fuel for the Suzuki & a few things in the
store….then drive to Katrina’s neighborhood to meet with her @ 6:30pm.
Just as we finish parking, around the corner she comes. We help her carry
some boxes up to the 3rd floor from her car & then she gives us a thorough
tour of her pad. We like it! It’s very nice & her furniture & things are
well organized.

Later, we walk down the street & eat dinner @ Carmine’s on Pennsylvania
Street. It’s a different kind of Italian restaurant with an obvious active
client base. Seeing the neighborhood Katrina lives in makes us feel even
more comfortable….as there were a lot of young people walking about this
late evening with their dogs or other friends. Back @ Katrina’s building;
we say our goodnights & see you tomorrow.

Today’s high temp=77 Lights out: 11:52pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 19, 2005 4:55 AM.

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