Tuesday 13 September 2005

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Awake: 5:40am Temp 75 Clouds & very windy Elevation 1080 ft.
Overnight @ Paxico, Kansas

Katrina calls as she’s driving to her school in Denver. She gives us
information as to the nearest suburb that she is living in…so that
hopefully, we can find a campground nearby.

We decide to stay @ this campground for another day…it’s a very unique &
comfortable place + we can use the day to pause & do other things. So I
walk to the office (about ¾ of a mile), pay for the extra day of camping &
then walk around the town(population 148) of Paxico before returning to
the bus.

After lunch, we both walk into town & check out a few of the stores….this
town is famous for its antique shops (7) for the last 30 yrs. And these
people are not backward operators; they use the latest up-to-date methods
for peddling their wares: i.e. high speed internet & e-bay, etc. And as we
continue walking around town we see signs that warn of buried fiber optic
cable in many places. We spent about 1.5 hrs looking in a few of those 7
antique shops but resisted any temptation in changing our motorhome’s

Around 5:30pm, sitting outside on the swing, we have our wine before dinner.

6:50 dinner: Beef & eggplant over brown rice, cucumbers in cream sauce &

My sister Mary Jo calls: she would like to have our son Nick’s phone number.

We are reading in bed when Nick calls. They have confirmed results; his
wife, Eriko, is pregnant! WOW! & CONGRATULATIONS!

High temp today=87 Lights out: 10:20pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 16, 2005 9:37 PM.

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