Wednesday 3 August 2005

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Awake: 7:05am Temp 53 Clear Overnight @ Evanston, WY

We leave the Phillips RV Park @ 8:40am…..another smooth traveling day for
us. Interstate 80 thru Nevada, Utah & Wyoming so far has been great. Most
of our travel today was @ an elevation between 6000 ft to 7600 ft with a
lot of sparse high plains & many snow fences.

We arrive @ the AB Campground in Cheyenne, WY @ 3:00pm. Another place
where we were glad to have made a reservation….the big rig section was
completely filled before 5:00pm.

Today's travel: 6+18 time 354.2 miles 35.3 fuel 10.05 mpg 56.3 mph avg

We walk the campground area for 40 min of exercise.

I talk with Katrina for 39 min about buying a good used car + other topics
of interest.

Call Nick in Seattle & leave a “Happy Birthday!” message.

7:25 Dinner: Filled peppers, green beans with artichoke + toast.

We watch movie on cable: “Sullivans’s Travels” with Jimmy Steward; Cary
Grant & Katharine Hepburn.
We had watched this movie…..not too long ago, but what the heck, it’s a 5
star movie & the price was right!

High temp today=80 Lights out: 11:10pm

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