Tuesday 2 August 2005

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Awake: 5:05am Temp 56 Cloudy Elevation: 6838 ft Overnight @
Evanston, NV

Casual morning for us…..we decided to stay in Evanston an extra day
because: 1) it’s a nice town that has a lot of history that we can walk
to; 2) it’s cool here & we have been missing our cool.

During the morning hrs, Kathy irons the clothes I wore in Japan while
watching her TV programs….& I start catching up on some paperwork stuff.

@ 2:40pm we walk into the town of Evanston (20 min), Population approx 11,
500. We are armed with a good map & booklet of the downtown area showing
the historic buildings & their past & present functions. We spend over 2
hrs doing this self guided walking tour. It was just as interesting &
fascinating as the many other historic towns we have done over the yrs.

The best part for both of us was seeing the Union Pacific Railroad
Complex…erected in 1912 of brick & glass. A lot of glass….the roundhouse
itself has 8400 windows glazed in wooden sashes & they were cleaned inside
& out each spring. This roundhouse is the last one left wholly standing on
the Union Pacific Line. This roundhouse also has 28 locomotive stalls
accessible by an electric turntable which still works. The place was
awesome! The town has been renovating some of these shops to “like new”
condition. One very large building that has been completely restored is
currently used as a wedding hall, community meeting center, large private
party room, etc. We should have brought a camera.

En route back to our campground, we stop in @ the County Fair again to
scrutinize the exhibit building….which had many good displays representing
the local talent.

Outside, we notice some very dark clouds playing catch-up from
yesterday…so it’s back to our home on wheels to retract the slides, close
windows, etc. Our timing was good: Rain, wind & lightning was upon us for
over an hr.

7:20pm Dinner: Pork chops with brown & wild rice, apple sauce, 4 bean
salad, broccoli & fresh salad.

We watch a double feature movie on cable: “Honeymoon in Vegas” with
Nicholas Cage & James Caan. Also: “Forever Young” with Mel Gibson. We
enjoyed both of them.

High temp today=78 Lights out: 11:30pm

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