Monday August 1 2005

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Awake: 5:30am Temp 68 Sunny Elevation: 4362 ft Overnight @
Winnemucca, NV

Leave the Family owned Winnemucca RV Park @ 8:18am. We continue driving on
I-80 eastbound….. & we are still mesmerized by these smooth roads….they
are fantastic! Originally we had programmed today’s destination to be Park
City, Utah…but, as we are moving along so effortlessly with light winds &
dark clouds behind us to the West, we figure we might as well extend our
destination to even higher ground in our attempt to keep cool….to
Evanston, Wyoming.

Passing through Salt Lake City, Utah both Kathy & I talk with Katrina in
Denver, CO about the strategy of buying a good used car.

Arrive @ another family owned campground: Phillips RV Park @ 4:58pm
mountain time.

Today’s travel: 7+40 time 432.7 miles 54.4 gal 7.95 mpg 56 mph avg speed

Luckily we had made a reservation for this campsite en route; we were able
to get the last pull-thru available today. After parking & opening our
slides, we do the Bear River State Park’s 3 miles along the
river, but we only do 1 mile. Then we stroll over to the County Fair
grounds & watch the young boys & girls rope calves @ the rodeo event. This
campground is very near to the city & within easy walking distance.

8:35 Dinner: Alaska salmon burgers with brown & wild rice, broccoli & salad.

It wasn’t easy but I talked Kathy into letting the dishes wait until the
morning for cleanup…I am tired!

High travel temp=87 Lights out: 10:01pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 16, 2005 12:23 PM.

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