Thursday 4 August 2005

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Awake: 6:05am Temp 59 Cloudy Elevation 6110 ft Overnight @
Cheyenne, WY

We had some rain falling on our coach after midnight but it didn’t wake us
up. And we were organized this morning for a change, so we actually
enjoyed a relatively early departure. Leave the A B Campground in
Cheyenne, WY @ 8:05am…& yet another smooth travel day on I-80 eastbound.
En route we did have a cornering headwind which had me holding the
steering wheel with a good correction for a few hrs.

Our Sprint cell phone coverage along I-80 so far has been limited to the
larger cities, so this morning in Cheyenne, we left too early to make any
reservations for our next campground….so we make a 10 min stop @ a rest
stop where Kathy calls & reserves a camp site. As it turned out, there was
plenty of vacancy when we arrived.

Arrive @ the Camp-A-Way in Lincoln, Nebraska @ 5:00pm which is big rig
friendly with a lot of old tall trees in a quiet area of town.

Today’s travel: 7+41 time 442.0 miles 44.5 gal 9.93 mpg 57.7 avg speed

8:00pm dinner: Kathy simply serves us the left-overs of yesterday’s filled
peppers for our meal.

High travel temp=? Lights out: 11:30pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 17, 2005 6:03 PM.

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