Friday 5 August 2005

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Awake: 7:10am Temp 67 High thin clouds Elevation 1216 ft
Overnight @ Lincoln, Nebraska

1st thing this morning, I call our Anchorage message service & find out
that the Foote’s have a solid offer on their condo.

Call my Aunt Aggie in Ohio & my Uncle John + Aunt Bertha also in Ohio for
a head’s up to expect a visit early next week….but we will call before
coming over.

Call Mark & Joan in Ohio…also for a head’s up on a visit.

Call Charles in Nicktown…to be on the alert for our coach driving into the
neighborhood in the middle of next week.

I spend a lot of the early afternoon composing a letter to my buddy Mike
in Anchorage who is having a retirement celebration on Sunday. Mike is
retiring from 25 + yrs with Federal Express & I can’t be there.

Call the 5 bridges RV Park in Illinois to confirm space availability for

Watch movie on Cable: “The Philadelphia Story” with Katherine Hepburn,
Cary Grant, and Jimmy Stewart. The journal police have detected an error
on Wed., Aug. 3; the 1941 5 star movie, “Sullivan’s Travels” starred Joel
McCrea and Veronica Lake and it was actually “The Philadelphia Story” that
we had recently watched. Could the cause of such an error be the
excitement over our son’s birthday, the altitude, the heat, or, maybe, the

High temp today=90 Lights out: 10:58pm

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