Sunday 12 June 2005

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Awake: 6:15am Temp 53 Sunny breaks Overnight @ Portland, OR

Call Outdoor Resorts Campground in Newport, OR to check for space
availability for this next weekend. We were entertaining the thought of
visiting Dick & Christine over there but then find out they are expecting
over 100 motor homes from the Safari group & cannot accept any
reservations @ Newport for another week.
Call Dick @ Newport & let him know about the Safari group rally…he reports
that he wasn’t planning on being in Newport this weekend anyway….he’ll be
in Portland. Great, so we’ll try & rendezvous over here in Portland.
We sign up for an additional 4 more days camping.

@ 4:05pm Rochelle, Dean & their 3 children, Monica, Maggie & Donavan visit
us @ our campsite. They haven’t seen our home on wheels before so Kathy
gives them a tour of the inside; then I tour them on the outside. Rochelle
& Dean are two casual & relaxed parents but can be firm when needed….as a
result, their kids are well mannered, well behaved & play nicely together.
Monica, the eldest, is our Godchild but they are all special to us. The
girls are really cute & very smart + Donavan wore a winning smile during
the entire time of their visit. It was a neat experience having them with

7:45pm Dinner: Parmesan crusted lamb chops, fried yellow potatoes,
broccoli in Boursin cheese sauce, mixed salad & garlic toast.

No movie tonight…..nothing worth watching. Evening reading is our norm
unless there is an intelligent movie.

Today’s high temp=71 Lights out: 11:04pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 15, 2005 11:05 AM.

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