Monday 13 June 2005

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Awake: 5:40am Temp 58 Partly cloudy Overnight @ Portland, OR

We leave @ 9:30am & drive our Suzuki to Ocean Park (107 miles) to visit my
ole buddy Ray. We’ve know each other since 1967 when we were young, single
& tough. We spend 4 hrs with Ray catching up on his busy retirement

He tours me through his newly organized garage in which his young wife
Sharon can now actually park her car. Next the ham radio room: "this place
is going through a transformation period" Ray explains. "It’s going to
take more time."

Ray also demonstrated the new accessories he’s gotten for his new laptop
computer…like a wireless mouse; a sleeve bag from, a flash
memory card & a USB hub for extra ports.

Ray has become quite the computer guru in his retirement. He showed us
some nifty stuff (like the RSS….real simple simplicity program) he
downloaded on his laptop that was most impressive & would be nice to have.

We leave Ocean Park around 4:30pm, make a 5 gallon fuel stop in Astoria &
we are back in the bus @ 7:55pm.

The evening weather is fair so we walk 35 min around & around our
campground for exercise.

Quick dinner @ 8:55pm: we split a chicken breast & egg roll, Triscuts,
mixed nuts & some fresh local Bing & Rainier cherries.

Late evening: Watch the history channel “Great Inventions that failed.”
High temp today? Lights out: 11:45pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 15, 2005 11:11 AM.

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