Tuesday 14 June 2005

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Awake: 6:02am Temp 55 Light rain…then some sun Overnight @ Portland,

Call the DMV in Anchorage & talk about the seasonal waver procedure.

Call Dick @ Kaiser Brake & Alignment in Eugene, OR & make an appointment
for Tuesday the 21st. We have a front tire that is wearing improperly.
Dean brought it to my attention on Sunday when I was giving a tour of the
outside of our motor home. Naturally I consulted with the Newell experts
in Oklahoma 1st, then spoke to someone at a recognized motor home
manufacturing plant here in Oregon who recommended a reputable alignment
shop in the area.

Early afternoon, I give Kathy another haircut: Her 3rd medal for bravery
is then bestowed upon her after she showers & carefully scrutinizes the
results…then gives a “thumbs up!” Whew! Then she gives me a much needed
haircut being careful not to cut too much from the top.

After some late afternoon rain showers, we drive 2 miles east on Marine
Drive, park the Suzuki & walk for an hr for exercise on the walking trail
just west of the Portland Airport runways.

7:50pm dinner: Homemade crab cakes, asparagus with parmesan cheese, 4 bean
salad & a mixed romaine lettuce salad.

Late evening: Kathy reads her novel while I read my motor home magazine.

High temp today=71 Lights out: 11:44pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 16, 2005 10:08 AM.

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