Saturday 11 June 2005

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Awake: 5:30am Temp 56 Periods of rain Overnight @ Portland, Oregon

Ray calls this morning from Ocean Park, WA. I had e-mailed him & asked
what day next week would be convenient for a visit from 2 wonderful
seniors? He selected Monday.

My brother Don calls: they are en route to the Outter Banks, North
Carolina for a family gathering for 1 week. We talk for 13 min.

Call John & Shirley…leave msg. Call Rochelle: They will visit with us
Sunday mid afternoon.

Kathy does 1 laundry load & works on the 2003 photo album & paperwork with
Mailboxes etc.

We attend 5:00pm mass @ St. Joseph church in Vancouver, WA (a 15 min drive).
7:45pm dinner: Stuffed peppers, mixed salad with Stilton blue cheese &
toasted garlic bread.

Call John & Shirley again: We make plans to rendezvous on Wednesday.

Late evening: Watch movie on cable: “Secretary “with Maggie Gyllenhaal &
James Spader. Different but entertaining….& not for children.

Today’s high temp=64 Lights out: 12:08am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 14, 2005 6:12 PM.

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