Friday 10 June 2005

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Awake: 6:15am Temp 59 Light rain Overnight @ Portland, Oregon

Late morning grocery shopping @ Trader Joe’s on Sandy Blvd in the
Hollywood district. Next we seek out the closest Costco (just east of the
PDX airport) & do more grocery shopping.
After a late lunch, I spend over 3 hrs doing stuff on our computer & today
was the perfect day to so such a thing….cloudy with intermittent rain.
Meanwhile, Kathy puts the food away, rewrapping the meat into smaller
packages; reorganizes the freezer and refrigerator to make room; and makes
homemade crab cakes (NOT from Costco).

Early evening appetizers: A taste of Kathy’s Homemade crab cakes & they
are excellent!

7:45 Dinner: Wild Alaskan salmon from the Taku river, wild rice with
cranberries, asparagus in Boursin cheese & a spinach salad.
Late evening: reading.

High temp today=66 Lights out: 11:15pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 14, 2005 6:04 PM.

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