Sunday 10 April 2005

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Awake 6:18am Temp 55 Clear Overnight @ San Diego, CA

Kathy does the resistance tubes for exercise during my computer use time.

Visit the Foote family @ 12:50. We all walk Kevin to his classroom after
lunch. During our walk, Brian Boardenave calls on our cell phone. We
invited him to join us today but he says it’s not possible….he’s in Los
Angles visiting his girlfriend. He didn’t know when we were going to be in

Again, we walk with Matthew & Melissa along the Harbor Island bay for
about 45 min. Matthew then finds some dirt to play in & get a little
dirty, so our next stop is back to the hotel pool. It’s another beautiful
day for being outside. We leave @ 4:50pm.

Call our son Nick in Seattle. He is doing well. He gives us 3 wedding
duties to take care of before June. We talk for 1 hr & 10 min.

7:50pm Dinner: Leftover meatloaf, penne pasta with tuna & mozzarella
cheese + fresh asparagus & fresh cantaloupe.

Evening time: watch “Desperate Housewives” & “Grey’s Anatomy.”

Call daughter Katrina in Anchorage. She gives us the Denver report on the
Job Fair interviews. It appears that her trip & interviews went well. We
talk for 1 hr & 15 min.

Today’s high temp=66 Lights out: 12:38am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 14, 2005 9:42 AM.

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