Monday 11 April 2005

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Awake: 6:40am Temp 48 Clear Overnight @ San Diego, CA

I do some ICQing with Kevin early this morning. We plan to have a homemade
dinner with the Footes in their hotel room later today. In fact, Kathy is
preparing her famous chili in our crock-pot now which we’ll take to their
hotel room. It will cook for several hours while we do other things with
Melissa & Matthew.

Mid morning, Kathy makes a trip to the campground store to buy a bag of
Tostitos corn chips for the chili & returns with the chips + a plastic
bucket complete with a small shovel, rake, scoop & sifter. Hmmmm...maybe a
good idea!

Visit the Footes @ 12:45pm. Kevin is on lunch break from his Sans
conference so we have a chance to talk a little about what he is learning.
It’s a 6 day program concentrating on Securing Unix/Linux from 8:30am to
5:00pm (the rest of the time there’s no security). His employer, the
University of AK, is sponsoring him. After Kevin returns to his classroom,
we get some beach towels; pack some healthy snacks, sun screen + the
plastic bucket & drive in our Suzuki to a small beach about a mile north
of the Sheraton Hotel.

Spend over 2 hrs @ this place called Spanish Park. Matthew is discovering
sand; digging holes in the sand, pouring water into those holes & watching
it seep into the sand, etc. He literally played by himself most of the
time using his shovel, sifter, scoop & bucket. It was very entertaining
just to watch his discovery & learning process. We are back to the
Sheraton hotel @ 6:00pm.

6:30pm Dinner with the Foote family: Kathy & I share a warm bacon spinach
salad with our chili & chips. Matthew is happy tonight, singing & making
some sort of wanting to talk noises. We think he really enjoyed his beach
time as did we. We leave the Foote hotel room @ 7:15pm.

Our mid to late evening was relaxing. Kathy surfed the cable channels for
a worthwhile movie &, in the process, lost control of the remote. I was
checking off credit card receipts for the month of March & getting our
2004 tax return finalized when I noticed her out-of-control state so I
quietly took charge. I tuned in some silent Buster Keaton movies from 1921
which were very clever & funny. Kathy did wake with laughter several

Today’s high temp=69 Lights out: 11:30pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 15, 2005 10:45 AM.

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