Saturday 9 April 2005

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Awake 6:02am Temp 55 Some clouds Overnite @ San Diego

We call Katrina in Anchorage....leave message. Then Kathy does the
aerobics class in the the white tent. I do the resistant tube exercises in
the bus.

We both use the computer before driving to downtown San Diego this morning
& locating the Cathedral for later this afternoon. Arrive @ the Foote
hotel room @ 12:45pm, in time for all of us to walk Kevin back to his
class after his lunch break and dedtermine just where we will pick him up
later for church.

Katrina returns call & leaves msg. We'll try connecting with her later

Melissa, Matthew, Kathy & I take another walk along Harbor Island. Today
is a little less windy which makes it a little more comfortable. We see a
class of maybe 20 sail boats doing tacking exercises in the bay. Then
Melissa & Matthew spend some time playing in the hotel's small pool.

@ 4:55pm we pick up Kevin from the Sheraton West hotel where his classes
are held, drive downtown to the St. Joseph Cathedral & attend 5:15pm mass.
This priest was speedy & finished in 32 min. On exiting the church, I ask
a few people where we might find a store to buy a flashlight bulb. One
gentleman told us of a Radio Shack located in the University area, about 4
miles Northeast. Sure enough, we get the bulb + shop @ Trader Joes &
Ralphs also.

Back to the hotel & we find out that Matthew has a loaded diaper & that
stuff is oozing out of his diaper onto the portable car seat. Matthew
wants to be held close & Melissa wants to hold him @ arms length until she
can change him. Following is a lot of screaming & consoling & I am outta
there for the peace & tranquillity of parking the a good
G-Daddy should!

New clothes & diaper for Matthew...& dinner for us with the Footes in
their room: Pizza & salad from the hotel. Back to the bus @ 8:20pm.

I watch cable movie: "Dive Bomber" with Errol Flynn & Fred MacMurray.
Kathy started watching but lost interest & napped. A 1941 movie,
colorized. Great coverage of the period military aircraft.

High temp today=65 Lights out: 11:08pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 12, 2005 10:36 AM.

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