Saturday 15 January 2005

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Awake 7:24 am Temp downtown 19 Cloudy 6 hrs 27 min daylight

We slept in our den last night on a Coleman air mattress that Kevin is
letting us use. It was fairly comfortable.
Zack calls from West Lafayette, IN with moving questions: Should he load
and drive a U-haul, pulling his car on a dolly, unloading it himself in
Seattle; use a moving company that will pack, load, and deliver
everything, while he drives his car; or do the packing & loading himself
but have a hauler deliver the contents to Seattle where he will unload it?
Good questions....we advise him to start making phone calls for pricing.

My Sister Corinne calls from the Lilly Pad...this is good & means that she
is home from the hospital & will slowly get back to her routine @ her

Finally I am able to start the Ford van. Obviously the diesel fuel gelled
on Tuesday. I did have summer diesel in the fuel tanks. Now I am able to
hitch up the thawed out tilt trailer full of warm dirt, drive it around to
the back yard & shovel that dirt onto the snow & be rid of it. Such a deal
that was!

Again I load up the RAV 4, this time with aerosol spray cans, paint cans &
garbage for the refuse center. For the Foote family, we have frozen meat,
books & cleaning supplies. I drive the Ford van which they will store @
their condo area for now & Kathy drives the RAV 4. After dropping off the
van and other things at the Foote's and a short visit with them, we drop
off the garbage, paint cans, etc @ the refuse center, then drive across
town to attend 5:00 pm Mass @ St. Pat's...then our BIG night out @ "Mooses
Tooth" for pizza & beer. En route home, we stop @ Kinko's to make colored
copies of the Rubik's Cube book for our boys. Home @ 10:15pm. Start
watching library movie: "Mystic River" but we didn't get very far &
somebody's eyes were's a long movie so we'll try it again
tomorrow night...maybe?
Lights out: 12:45 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 27, 2005 9:39 PM.

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