Sunday 16 January 2005

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Awake 6:18 am Temp 18 Some clouds 6 hrs 32 min daylight

Another nights sleep on the Coleman air mattress.

Kathy makes a sourdough pancake breakfast for 2. After breakfast, we load
up the RAV 4 & I make another trip to our storage unit while Kathy
shampoos the master bedroom. This time I stay & restack our things tighter
to retain enough space for the RAV 4.
Early afternoon, I clean & organize the lower garage & sort out my
remaining tools to keep in Anchorage.

@ 7:00 pm Woody & Chong arrive to do a walk thru inspection & to learn
about the house heating system, central vacuum system, steam shower, plus
other house operations. Woody brought a notepad & pencil...good thing, as
I have a lot to tell him. It took us about 2 hrs to cover everything.
Kathy & Chong were finished in maybe 30 mins. They spent nearly 3 hrs on
this visit, looking into different rooms & more talk about where their
furniture will go, etc.

Dinner: None. We decide to skip's too late so we have a few
healthy snacks instead (Triscuits, cheese, mixed nuts & reindeer sausage)
while watching some more of the movie "Mystic River" that we started last
night. This movie is over 3 hrs long...we won't be able to finish

Lights out: 11:57 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 27, 2005 9:41 PM.

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