Friday 14 January 2005

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Awake 7:19 am Temp downtown 13 Light snow 6 hrs 23 min daylight

Kathy starts shampooing the living room before breakfast...what a lighting
bolt she is already!
Using the 30 gallon barrel & the 5 gallon bucket to stand on, I change a
light bulb in the living room's high ceiling. We have no ladder.

Kathy's running low on shampoo so I make a run to the Kirby store for
more..then to the Credit Union, Wal-Mart & home. A 1.5 hr round trip.

I bring up my items from the lower garage to add to Kathy's accumulation
of things for donating to the Salvation Army today. The truck arrives @
2:00 pm. These people are getting fussy...the 4 cane back chairs in
excellent shape except for the not-so-good cane, they would not take. My
lawnmower with a new engine they wanted me to start up before taking it.
Kathy's radio has a cassette door missing otherwise works great...they're
not interested in, but they were pleased with what we gave them.

After their truck leaves, I load the RAV 4 with the 4 chairs, some floor
rugs & 2 other chairs...then make 2 more trips to the refuse center. A 55
min round trip & 50 min round trip.

During my absence, Kathy finishes shampooing the living room carpet, then
disassembles our master bedroom bed, then carries the slats, the head &
footboard to the upper garage. When I return, we both carry the mattresses
& box springs. Again, another trip to our storage unit just to drop off
these items, fuel up the RAV 4 @ Costco, library stop to return books &
videos then home. Round trip time=1.5 hrs.

8:05 Dinner: Meat balls from Costco, spinach fettuccini with garlic &
cream sauce, stuffed celery sticks & fruit salad.

Late evening, start watching DVD movie from library: "Harvey Pecor."
Somebody thinks this movie is s-l-o-w & doesn't want to watch anymore we will finish it tomorrow.
Lights out: 12:12 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 27, 2005 9:25 PM.

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