Awake 5:21 am Temp 71 Some clouds Overnight Sun City, AZ
Kathy makes one of my favorite breakfasts....Sourdough pancakes with bacon
& toast.
We get the loose photos from the Joey bed in the basement. Then Kathy
spends the rest of the morning & most of the afternoon looking at &
organizing these photos into their proper year time frame, a big job....I
help a little.
Meanwhile I take the plexiglass cover off the rear coach's camera. It was
very dirty so I clean & re-install it.
7:15 Dinner: Stuffed peppers with fresh salad.
Watch TV show: "Desperate Housewifes" then watch baseball game: New York
Yankees vs Boston Red Socks. A real sit on the edge of your seat finish.
(12 innings). Sox's win.
High temp today = 82 Lights out: 11:11 pm
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