Saturday 16 October 2004

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Awake 5:50 am Temp 65 High whispy clouds Overnight Sun City, AZ

Call my friend Gary on his cell phone..they just sold their home in
Pahrump, NV & are living in their trailer in a campground until
March/April time frame, then they are heading East to Pennsylvania to
build a new home.

Call my buddy Gary in Landenburg, PA. They are making preparations as we
speak to attend the Newell rally @ Hilton Head, South Carolina. Gary says
he is designing our Nicktown home for us & will send drawing & pictures. I
tell him I am designing the ultimate plan for his retirement....and I will
send nothing. It's too complex to write out & must be carefully discussed
in person.

Call our friends Bill & Betsy in Las Vegas, NV. They are selling their Key
West lot in Florida, Hilton head lot, Table Rock Lake lot(Oak Grove,
Arkansas)& the Newport, Oregon lot.....and his Marathon Motorhome. A mild
shock to us. They bought a condo in Las Vegas, NV.

We drive into Phoenix, about 45 min , to have Italian Beef Sandwiches(One
of our favorites). They are difficult to find ....

Stop @ Katz & buy some corned beef for Al & Wilma...then attend 4:00 pm
Mass @ St. Joachim & St Anne, a mere 5 min away from the ranch.

Evening time: Watch TV movie "Brokedown Palace." Quite good & the popcorn
& fried Parmesan cheese with sun dried tomatoes for snacking was quite
good also.

High temp today =91 Lights out: 1030 pm

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