Monday 18 October 2004

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Awake 5:29 am Temp 63 Clear sky Overnight @ Sun City, AZ

We both do some suitcase packing first thing this morning.

After our coffee, we walk the neighborhood(1 hr) for exercise. Then I
visit Al who is tinkering on his motorhome in his huge shop. He's getting
it ready to travel Eastward in November.
After lunch we both visit Al & he introduces us to his folding bikes
hidden away in a corner....and invites us to take a ride. So we spend
another hr touring the area on his "Made in Taiwan by Dahmon" bikes. They
are in good shape & ride well.

Late afternoon, we sit outside on our camping chairs & enjoy this 79
degree weather & have wine before dinner. We will miss this comfortable
warm weather that's for sure.

6:15 Dinner: Leftovers...stuffed pepper fillingr, spaghetti & broccoli.

Again tonight, we are spellbound when watching the series baseball game
between the Sox's & Yankees. They go extra innings(14) & the Sox's win

Call Mark in Anchorage. They are flying to Medford, OR to begin their 6
week RV trip thru Utah, Arizona, & California before returning to Alaska.

High temp today = 82 Some late bedroom reading. Lights out: 10:38 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 29, 2004 9:16 PM.

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