Tuesday 31st August 2004

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Awake 5:05 am Temp 62 Partly sunny

Walk to church & attend 8:00 am mass. Today I count 30 people in church.
We join the coffee crowd afterward & continue catching up on the lives of
the local people.
After breakfast, Kathy walks down to the church hall & volunteers to help
make fudge for the upcoming picnic September 5th.
I set up our Dell computer using a local # to make the Internet
connection...then write a few e-mails & pay a few bills.
Allen(retired bank pres) brings his Black & Decker hedge clipper over for
repair...so I spend some time mid afternoon repairing that. It had a
broken wire leading to one of the brushes.

Call Tommy @ the Newell factory about our backlighting for an upper panel
in the galley. The lighting is out...so one of these days, I'll have to
take that panel off & replace that bulb.

Kathy & I sit outside in our camping chairs under the awning & have wine
before dinner. This is nice.....&..this is what retired campers should be
doing more often I say. The weather has been getting better with each day
we are here.

7:00 pm Dinner: Stuffed peppers(homegrown from neighbor Chuck) & fresh salad.
Call Melissa in Anchorage--they are doing fine. Kevin likes his full time
job @ the university. And...Matthew is walking by holding on to the side
of their couch.
We watch a little of the Republican Convention. Lights out: 11:02 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 5, 2004 6:30 PM.

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