Wednesday 1st September 2004

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Awake 5:20 am Temp 54 Clear sky

This morning we skip mass & just join our coffee group @ the community

@ 12:30 pm Cousins Bernie, Ethel & her daughter Sharon arrive. Kathy
gives the ladies a $ 5.00 tour of the inside of our motorhome while Bernie
& I sit outside on our lawn chairs & talk travel talk.

@ 2:00 pm We visit Herm & Rosemarie @ their farm house. Rosemarie gives us
a tour of their 125 yr home & some of the collectables handed down from
her Mother & Grandmother over the yrs. Her quilt making machine, things
from her china cabinet: Old fancy dishes, wine glasses, special plates,
etc. Someone offered $10,000.00 for their dinning room table and she said
" no way!" (7) generations have lived in this house to date. Herm &
Rosemary have 9 children, 42 grandchildren & 18 great grandchildren. This
family farm has been a mainstay in this community for as long as I've been
around. We tour the 2nd & 3rd floors which I have never seen before.
Quilts that Rosemarie has made & her Mother made...have taken numerous 1st
prizes at State Fairs around the county. Kathy was very impressed as was

Now Ralph(one of their boys) & a grandson have taken over the farm &
updated the milking parlor & other related operations. We watch the
milking process which is now mostly controlled by computers. 26 cows can
be milked at one time & the nozzles(for lack of a better name)
automatically disconnect when the milk flow drops down to a certain low
level. All 9 of their kids have done very well in their current careers &
now the grandchildren are following. It's an impressive family with a lot
of interesting local history.
@6:00 pm We meet with my brother Don, his wife Josie, & our Sister Corinne
at a restaurant in Ebensburgh called: " Off the Rack." Kathy & I split a
boneless rib sandwich. Corinne has a meeting to attend so she leaves

Then we follow Don & Josie to their home. They've been updating their
place this yr and some work in still in progress. The kitchen is finished
& looks much brighter & more functional. Their master bedroom bathroom has
been expanded & now has 2 sinks. The guest room bathroom is still being
upgraded with different cabinet drawers. The outside deck which Don &
Josie are doing themselves has been pressured washed & stained with new
boards replaced where necessary. They have a very comfortable home.

En route back to our coach, we do some grocery shopping @ the local
Wal-Mart. Lights out: 11:58 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 5, 2004 7:58 PM.

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