Monday 30th August 2004

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Awake 6:30 am Temp 68 Rain Overnight on our Pa property

We drive to church(1/5 mile) & attend 8:00 am mass. I count 25 people in
After church service, we pick up our mail @ the post office. Our Delta
tickets have arrived for our planned trip to Switzerland next month. Then
we join our ole coffee gang @ the new community center building...all 11
of us. The room is nice & the huge conference table donated is from the
old Spangler bank bldg where President Allen worked since high school. So
it has quite the history behind it.

After breakfast I buy a small sickle @ Krumenacker's Hardware in
town...for cutting weeds on our jungle property. Then I replace both water
filters in the pump house as they were the old filters from last yr. Then
clear the area around our #1 site's electrical, telephone connection &
water faucet...and the area leading to the septic pipe using the sickle.
Hook up our septic hose from the motorhome. So now, we have a full camping

@3:30, we walk to the new community center to check out the workout room.
The workout room itself is great but so far, there are only a few
machines installed. I do a light round of exercises...then Kathy & I take
a 30 min walk for more exercise.

6:15 Dinner: A real tasty BLT sandwich with homegrown tomatoes.

@ 7:30 Herm & Rosemarie arrive. We've been wanting to invite them for a
visit for over a yr now. Herm is 83...Rosemarie the same. Herm was a real
close buddy of my Father...and Rosemarie my Mom. We sit & talk for hrs &
have a few spirits throughout the evening. It was a delightful visit.
Lights out: 11:30 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 5, 2004 6:11 PM.

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