Saturday 7th August 2004

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Awake 6:15 am Temp Downtown=51 Sunny 16 hrs 31 min of daylight

Kathy gets the newspaper this morning. She also makes a special breakfast
of my choosing...and that choice was french toast with sourdough bread,
real maple syrup & bacon.

Quite a few Birthday calls for me this day. My sister Mary Jo from Lodi,
CA; My son Nick from Seattle; My brother Don from Pennsylvania; Even my
son Zack from Chicago(who I might add, has forgotten a few special
occasions for family members), and e-mail from Katrina who is now in
Berlin. This all added up to making it a real noteworthy day for the 64 yr
old kid here.

Kathy heads into town on a gift buying mission. Meanwhile, I celebrate my
noteworthy day by backfilling the BIG DIG area( 4 ft X 4 ft & 4.5 ft
deep). That's a lot of dirt. In between the backfilling project, I mow the
lawn with the Kubota.
Mid afternoon, neighbor Rick visits driving his tractster. Quite a rig. He
& Matt have been working on it, giving it a new life. It looks great &
sounds like a mean machine. They may use it while hunting...
Kathy returns from her shopping..we both shower & attend 5:00 pm church
service. Afterward, we talk at length with our ole friend Martin. He is
looking good. And now...again, the Mooses Tooth for Pizza & beer. Anita &
Brett visit us briefly before their table is ready.
Back home we watch a little Seinfeld & SNL. It was a good day.
Lights out: 12:09 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 10, 2004 11:04 PM.

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