Sunday 8th August 2004

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Awake 7:11 am Temp Downtown=56 Sunny 16 hrs 25 min of daylight

Kathy trims the lawn using the 29 yr old snapper lawnmower & the 5 yr old
hand shears. I remove some sod pieces covering my 3 test holes dug last they are settling so I add more topsoil, replace them & give
them a watering.
Mid afternoon, I exchange the Woods mower for a snowblower on the Kubota
tractor. Yes I admit, it's too early to do this but by the time we return
from our trip mid October, there's a good chance there will a snow job

Call my Bro Don in Pa.

6:15 Dinner: Thick Pork Chop with spinach noodles, broccoli, toast &
applesauce. Kathy likes eating early & so do I. This hasn't been the norm
for the last few months tho. Evening time: computer browsing & X-word
Lights out: 11:21 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 12, 2004 8:03 AM.

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