Friday 6th August 2004

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Awake 5:28 am Temp Downtown=48 Sunny 16 hrs 36 min of daylight

@ 7:40 am. Rob from Garness Engineering drives up & checks the end cap. I
had called him shortly after it was found. We hope to do both the septic &
well water test on Monday.
@ 10:15 am. We rendezvous at the Alaska Club with our gang of about 18.
Today we are celebrating the birthdays of Leo: Dottie, Gay, Jackie & I.
Lots of birthday cards & healthy food. Back home @ 12:45 pm.

Kathy & I walk our Copper Drive road to Haida road to see the Elmo Hill
house. It sold last month & the new owners are clearing away " stuff " &
trying to get a handle on what needs to be renovated & repaired. Elmo was
quite the wood worker & gunsmith with talents of home additions during his
retirement....but he died leaving a lot of projects unfinished...I mean a
lot! It does have a great location with lots of potential. The new owners
bought the place knowing what they're in for...and they are not spring
chickens..both in their late 60's. What a challenge to take on.

Go to town we do @ 2:30. Walk around 4th Av looking for an artist Kathy
talked with yesterday. Along the way, we meet Ben & his 2 daughters who we
hung out with at the Alaska Club earlier this morning. We do find the
store where the artist sells her wares but she's not there. We'll try

Meet with Bill & Debbie @ Simon & Seaforts for afternoon high tea (wine) &
a light dinner. We have no problem talking. I pass along to Bill over 10
motorhome & FMCA magazines that I have finished reading. Back home @ 7:30
. 3 people call on our piano for sale. 2 people drive up to look it over
& the last visitors write us a check. It's sold.
We watch a video from the library: " Good Ole Boys." Slow, difficult to
understand the lingo & not that entertaining. We have the traditional
popcorn with the movie..and Kathy stays awake. Lights out: 12 midnight

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 8, 2004 9:40 PM.

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