Friday 9th July 2004

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Awake 6:38 am Temp Downtown=63 Sunny 18 hrs 46 min of daylight

How sweet it is: 3 days in a row...the mosquitoes are absent-gone-zip. No
Jungle juice, bug zapper, long sleeves, etc required. It's about time & I
like it.
Zack calls from Motorola regarding insurance coverage for eye exam &
contacts. Kathy calls FDX health benefits...he's covered for eye exams
only, one per yr., co-pay $30.00.

Kathy had a bad sleeping night. She moved to a downstairs bedroom around
1:00 am so she wouldn't disturb her dear husband. A sore throat, stuffy
nose, headache, etc. We think it's an allergy...maybe that paint!
Regardless, after coffee & breakfast, in spite of her restless night & not
feeling her best, she gives the upper garage door it's 1st coat of paint
over the primer paint. Then 4 hrs later, painted the final coat to finish
up her part of the project.

During her garage door painting time, I re-caulked the master bedroom
shower, then assembled another FSBO sign structure using a yard stick &
more kite sticks. Then smeared some silicone on the washing machine tub
barrel covering the suspected leak area. Now it's 6:30 pm & we've done
enough for this day.

8:00 pm Dinner: Tuna & noodle casserole, bean salad & fresh salad.

After dinner, we take our 2 new FSBO signs down the road, pound the rebar
into the ground to make holes & replace our missing signs of 5 days ago.
Some computer browsing & x-word puzzle late evening. lights out: 12:09 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 12, 2004 8:29 AM.

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