Thursday 8th July 2004

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Awake 6:34 am Temp Downtown=67 Sunny 18 hrs 50 min of daylight

Kathy gets right with the program(doing the little things). It was decided
that the upper garage door be painted the same color as the walls. She
spends several hrs giving that door it's 1st coat of primer.

During her prime time(no pun intended), I challenge that patio door latch
for a repair. I should have scrutinized this latch carefully before
shopping for a new it required only bending a metal catch tab to
function properly. Now it works good & should last a long time.

Next I begin disassembling our 22 yr old washing machine. I have a limited
amount of junk tools to work with. Kathy in no way...wants to purchase a
new machine at this time so I'll go as far as I can with the potential
repair. We did disclose on our FSBO that our washing machine leaks with
heavy loads but now it leaks heavy with every load. Amazing...I am able to
get to the tub barrel using among other tools, a early 1900's railroad
spike(from the Cordova to McCarthy line)as a chisel & for a hammer, a
metal piece used on the Kennekott copper tram for bringing down the ore.
Sure enough, the tub has a rusty spot just above where water has been
leaking. After this area is dry, I'll smear some silicone around that
area, let it cure, then test it thoroughly.
Although our master bathroom is squeaky clean, there are areas where the
caulking should be removed & recaulked. I spend 1.5 hrs on that & then
take a break to do something less confining.

Next: Last Thurs when I loaded my red & white oak lumber into John's
truck, I exposed an unpainted wall area above the high shelves in the
lower garage. So by laying on my stomach while clinging to the rear of
the top shelf, and using a combination of wide & narrow paint rollers & a
paint brush, the project if finally finished. Whew!

Meantime Kathy surprised me by cleaning up the caulking in our shower that
I started earlier this morning....and she did a super good job. Tomorrow
I'll be able to recaulk that.

As if Kathy hasn't done enough already today...then she attacks that upper
garage door again(4 hr wait) with another coat of primer paint. What a
hustler she is today.

9:45 Dinner: Chicken stirfry, cantaloupe, bing cherries & fresh salad.
Some late evening x-word puzzle Lights out: 11:38 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 10, 2004 12:54 PM.

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