Saturday 10th July 2004

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Awake 6:26 am Temp Downtown=58 Sunny 18 hrs 43 min of daylight

A day of DO NO HOUSEWORK for us. Kathy sleeps in a downstairs bedroom
again. We still think it's an allergy attack. But...she's " OK " enough to
do some shopping. It's Home Depot again, Wal-Mart, Kinko's, Costco...and
then we attend 5:00 pm church service at St. Pat's.

My plan, should she accept it, is to load kathy up with some good
micro-beer at Mooses Tooth tonight to rid her of that nasty allergy. ya,
she falls for it! Pizza & beer again. We see none of our buddies at the
hangout this evening. Back home @ 8:00 pm. Kathy is now very tired & keeps
falling asleep during the late evening...probably the Micro beer remedy
working & clearing up that allergy. I do a little computer browsing &
x-word stuff late evening.

Lights out: 11:45 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 12, 2004 8:42 AM.

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