Sunday 6th June 2004

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Awake 5:54 am Temp Downtown=55 Partly sunny

Kathy spends over 4 hours in the kitchen this morning preparing food for
the brunch bunch....8 total. Gary, Rosemary & Kylie arrive first @ 11:30
am. Then Katrina @ 11:45 am from her church service ...then the Foote's at
12:45 pm. The food: Pasta Frittata, crispy french toast, brisket meat &
mixed fruit. It was outstanding...above & beyond the call of duty!!!

After brunch, Kevin & Katrina do the dish clean-up job. The rest of us
relax in the living room, talk & watch little Matthew try to talk.

Later, Gary, Rosemary & Kylie take a hike up our Basher road to Joe's new
development of 16 new homes.

Meanwhile Kevin & I are in the lower garage sorting out stuff to toss &
stuff to save for the possible garage sale next Saturday.

Katrina leaves around 4:30 pm. The Foote's at 6:15 pm.

Then Kathy & I do just a little moving the mattress &
boxsprings from the Katrina/Zack bedroom upstairs and into the upper
garage to either donate it to a thrift store or junk it.

Then we settle down in the living room for reading the Sunday paper.
Something we haven't done very much of for quite a while. It feels good
just to read & relax for a change.

Our dinner was simply: Popcorn.

Zack calls at 8:45 pm from Chicago. He was en route back to his Motorola
housing unit from visiting the Speake's family & his girlfriend. He sounds
good. So far, he likes the people he's meeting @ Motorola, the other
interns & his boss. His work however, hasn't really started though. It was
comforting for us to talk with him.
Lights out: 11:17 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 8, 2004 11:01 PM.

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