Saturday 5th June 2004

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Awake 5:38 am Temp Downtown=53 Sunny

We start our day by replacing foyer light covers...all 5 now identical
save for a few tinted differences that only a trained eye could possibly

Kathy roars off in the RAV 4 with a shopping in
preparation for tomorrow's BRUNCH bunch rendezvous.

Time for me to get brave: Using the Cherry Picker, I take 2 hours and
prime the West living room window frames. The mosquitos today are a real
nuisance. Luckily I keep that bug zapper in a ready position for a quick
draw off the Cherry Picker bucket.

I had just finished with my priming fun when Kathy returns from her
shopping fun...and Gary, Rosemary & Kylie return from their fun trip up
the valley to Wasilla. I think Gary & gang had the most fun: They went for
a dog sled on wheels ride, rode a minature train over trestles & thru
tunnels, then toured an outdoor museum of Alaska memorabilia during
earlier times.

Then the 5 of us meet Katrina at 4:45 pm to transfer 4 concrete blocks
from our car to hers...that she will use to raise up her bed highter for
much needed underneath storage space at her pad.

Then us 5 attend St. Patrick's 5:00 pm mass together. Afterwards we live
it up and have pizza & beer at the Moose's Tooth. Our friends Mike &
Denise show up just as we are finishing up so we make the introductions &
enjoy even more social minutes. I can't wait to get back to more of this
goof off lifestyle instead of what we are doing so much of
daily...housework! Mike & Denise, being younger than us seniors, were
just winding up a 20 mile bike ride today to & from Eklutna.

Back home @ 8:40 pm. Lights out: 11:37 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 8, 2004 9:05 AM.

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