Friday 4th June 2004

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Awake 6:23 am Temp Downtown=48 Sunny

Happy Birthday to Zack today. He's 22 years young.

We have this central vacuum system that has outlets throughout the house,
and a long hose that one has to use when vacuuming. The electric plug &
wire on one end when using the beater bar has deteriorated enough over the
years that it's now defunct. Recently I have learned that that plug & wire
can be easly replaced whereas for a few months I had thought that we would
have to replace that entire vacuum hose. The trick is to heat the end of
the plug with a hairdryer & loosen up the rubber locks, then pull with a
pliers and that plug comes right out. Next week I plan on buying a new
plug & wire.

Kathy inspires me to make phone calls in search of a wood window sill
piece that we need for both downstairs bedrooms. It covers a crank out
mechanism for those windows and over the years, the weather has
deteriorated the wood and it looks kinda bad. After several calls
downtown, I drive off to " Builders Millwork " who via the phone, said
that they think there are several pieces left over from years ago that
will work for our windows. Well, not true....not even close. Next, to "
Replacement Glass " where there is some glimmer of hope from the sales
lady. Only catch is: $ 125.00 each. Whoa! We will see....I've been
casually looking for these window sills for a long time now. Back home @
noon time.

Start cleaning those windows that I painted the frames yesterday...then
move the Cherry Picker to the West side of the house & begin scraping &
wire brushing more window frames that need to be cleaned, caulked, primed
& painted. We both call it quits at 6:45 pm.

We call Zack for his birthday early evening but no answer on his cell
phone. We leave a singing & verbal message.

Kathy spent her late morning & afternoon finishing up the Melissa/Nick
bedroom wood varnishing...then moved out into the long hallway to varnish
the solid wood doors & floor molding leading toward the gameroom.
Dinner for two: Chicken stir fry.

Gary, Rosemary & Kylie went to the Dimond Mall & the 5th Ave Mall today
mostly for Kylie. Then Gary washed his truck. Later this evening after
our dinner, we play " Phase Ten " card game until 11:10 pm.
It was a close finish between Rosemary & myself but she wins NOT BY A
NOSE, but by a card. Lights out: 12:02 am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 5, 2004 11:35 AM.

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