Monday 7th June 2004

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Awake 6:07 am Temp Downtown=54 High Cirrus clouds

Shortly after breakfast, I brush & floss my teeth, then dash off to the
Dentist for my 9:30 am appointment. I have an old filling that needs to be
replaced and these guys are very, very good. We've been seeing them since
1992 here in Anchorage.

One hour later, I stop at Fred Meyer to buy my favorite yogurt...Dannon La
Creme. I love having this stuff on my three kinds of cereal smothered with
fresh strawberries, wild blueberries & then flooded with whole milk. Back
Home at 11:00 am.

Kathy & I load our tilt trailer with anything & everything that we can't
use, keep, or the kids don't want and we can't sell without a hassle. Gary
volunteers to use his Dodge pickup to pull our trailer load to the city
dump off the Glenn highway close to the town of Eagle River. It felt real
good getting rid of all the superfluous stuff. When we return back to the
house, Gary takes Rosemary & Kylie to do more sightseeing & shopping
around Anchorage.
Meanwhile, Kathy has been repainting the connecting bathroom downstairs. I
stir up my own paint, crank up the Cherry Picker & paint all 6 window
frames on the West side of the living room. Today though, I lathered up
with some mosquito repellent so I could at last have a little peace &
tranquillity during my painting....not like Saturday. It worked well.

Gary & his gang returns just as I was painting # 4 window frame. He had
offered to mow & trim the yard today so I took a break & checked him out
on the Kubota tractor & snapper lawnmower. He did a fine job.

It was about 7:00 pm when I finish my painting so I check on Kathy to find
out how she is doing. We both agree that we have done enough.

After cleaning up, we invite Gary, Rosemary & Kylie inside for happy for us adults. Both Gary & Rosemary enjoyed seeing my wooden
wheel on the snapper lawnmower that I installed in 1992 because a new
rubber one cost $ 35.00. So then we told them about our homemade
stationwagon we put together back in the seventy's. They had a good laugh
over that story.

Dinner for two: Chicken breast with spaghetti & tomatos & salad.

Read some Motorhome magazine in bed. Lights out: 11:25 pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 9, 2004 10:20 PM.

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