Awake 6:32 am Temp Downtown= 49 Drizzle
Kathy begins making brunch shortly after breakfast using new
recipts....Today the gang is invited up to our house for a 1:00 pm food
fest. They all arrive early around 12:30 and that's a good sign they are
Brunch: Crock Pot broccoli & egg casserole, marinaded flank steak, creamed
potatoes & puffed pancakes. It was a darn good. After the dishes are
cleaned up, the kids hang around for awhile just doing their own thing.
Kevin goes downstairs to the game room and transfers some of his personal
data from a desktop model computer to a latop which he later intends to
transfer to a hard disk.
Melissa is entertaining Matthew or perhaps vice a versa. He missed his
morning nap so he has been a tad bit fussy this afternoon.
Katrina & Kathy are going thru magazines & newspapers to recycle and Kathy
is also helping Katrina to " just say YES " to tossing STUFF she isn't
going to need or use.
Katrina leaves at 4:00 pm....the Foote's at 5:05 pm.
Early evening I call my Bro Don in Pennsylvania. They are playing
pinochle with Allen & Kathy.....we agree to talk tomorrow evening.
Call Nick. He has been busy & sounds tired. He also made his final offer
on the Queen Ann Hill Condo today. We wish him luck.
We both do some X-word puzzle stuff late evening....Lights out:11:50 pm.
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